Quarterly Report Overview

The quarterly report is the primary source of information on the progress of the grant and helps the CDD demonstrate that federal taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly. 

Grantees are required to provide Quarterly Reports and maintain documentation to show that project activities have been performed according to the workplan and in alignment with project outcomes.

For grantees to be reimbursed for grant activities, each grantee is required to submit a Quarterly Report that outlines progress toward meeting the goals and objectives of the grant as outlined in the contract work plan of your contract with the CDD. The questions in the Quarterly Report relate to the program and activities carried out during this quarter. Please include specific data, numbers, dates, and organization names, as appropriate.

Quarterly Reporting Schedule

Fiscal QuarterReporting PeriodDue Date
Quarter 1October 1 to December 31January 31
Quarter 2January 1 to March 31April 30
Quarter 3April 1 to June 30July 31
Quarter 4July 1 to September 30October 31

Program Reporting

Quarterly Program Report

The Quarterly Program Report is  where you will respond to Program Questions* and summarize your grant related activities for the quarter as well as provide any data you have collected. This information can include participant demographics and data, success stories systems change information, and efforts toward cultural competency and sustainability. For more information on data collection visit: 

Learn more about collecting data and stories on our Data Collection Webpage (is currently unavailable and will be updated soon).

*You can get a preview of the Program Questions by following this link or by viewing the Quarterly Report Resource Documents at the bottom of this page.

Program Documents

Supporting program documentation may include success stories, quotes from participants, pictures of participants at grant events, outreach materials you would like CDD to disseminate, or any other relevant program information you would like to share with CDD. We do not require you to submit copies of your satisfaction surveys, though you should keep them on hand in the event of an audit. 

The CDD wants to support you in your promotional efforts. We are happy to disseminate flyers and post grant information on social media. Please share files with us in a timely manner, so that we can help further your efforts. You can also contact the communications team for a specific discussion on how to further promote your grant activities.

Expenditure Reporting

Each grantee has a unique Expenditure Report which reflects the budget in your current contract. 

If you do not have access to your Expenditure Report, please reach out to your programs CDD Grants Coordinator.

Expenditure Report

You will also be asked to submit a summary of quarterly expenses by uploading an Expenditure Report into your Quarterly Report submission. An Expenditure Report form is customized to list all budget categories and lines included in a project's yearly budget. This form is provided to the grantee at the beginning of each budget period during the contract term. The Expenditure Report form is the reporting tool used to submit all budget expenses that occurred during the reporting period.

Any project related expenses that fall outside the approved budget should be brought to the CDD's attention for prior approval.

Expenditure Back-Up Documentation

All budgeted expenses, both grant and match funds, require supporting docs EXCEPT Indirect* (Note: Indirect is usually found in Other or Operating Expenses category of your budget.):

Indirect Expenses:

Indirect Expenses cannot exceed 10% of direct expenses unless your organization has a higher federally approved indirect rate. The amount of indirect expenses submitted should be proportional to the direct expenses submitted within that report.

Documentation Examples: 

Please note, this list is not exhaustive and simply provides a few examples of what may be acceptable documentation.

Budget CategoryExample Documentation
Personal Services and Fringe BenefitsPayroll Records, Personnel Activity Reports, Fringe Benefit Schedule
Contractual ServicesVendor invoices, Consultant contract, Services Rendered, Receipts
TravelTravel log Vouchers, Receipts, Purpose of Travel
Space/Property/UtilitiesRental/Lease Agreement, Utility Statements
Volunteer Hours**Volunteer Tracking Log (includes time and effort)

Tips to Completing Your Report

Use the report as an opportunity to review your last quarter of work, monitor your progress, and plan for future quarters. Your Quarterly Report should demonstrate and explain the work and impact of the previous quarter.

When completing your Quarterly Report, ask yourself:

  1. What progress have we made towards the goals and objectives in our workplan?
  2. Are we on track to meet the goals and objectives within the grant period? If you aren’t, that’s okay! The earlier you flag any delays or challenges, the quicker we can find a solution.
  3. What specific activities occurred to make progress towards our goals?
  4. Are there any activities not in the workplan that would help us reach our goals and objectives in future quarters?
  5. Would these changes impact our current projects budget?

When describing the previous quarters activities, ask yourself:

  1. Why was this activity important in meeting the grants goals and objectives?
  2. Did we collect demographic and satisfaction data from grant participants?
  3. Did we collect quotes, stories or photos from this activity?
  4. Who participated in these activities and what was their role?
  5. Were the right people involved and was their contribution meaningful? Was anyone missing?
  6. How do we present this information in a meaningful way?

Submitting Your Quarterly Report

Starting on July 31, 2024 all Quarterly Reporting materials should be submitted through the reporting platform Qualtrics. Your primary program staff will receive a unique link to submit your Quarterly Report 30 days before they are due. The email will be sent from [email protected] and this link will give you access to your Quarterly Report. Be sure to check you spam/junk folders if you don't see it.

Quarterly Report Checklist:
  1. Did you receive an automated email with a link you your Quarterly Program Report?
  2. Do you have an up-to-date Expenditure Report?
  3. Do you have supporting documentation for grant related expenses? (i.e. invoices, payroll records, receipts etc.)
  4. Do you have any additional documents to include? (i.e program flyers, pictures, videos, etc.)

If you need a new link to you Quarterly Report or need to request an updated Expenditure Report please make the request to your CDD Grants Coordinator.

Check out the video below and join CDD staff for a demonstration on how to use Qualtrics. Instructions start at 36 minutes.

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Submitting Your Quarterly Report Video Recording


Quarterly Reporting Documents