Innovative Technology in Housing Initiative
Grantee: Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD)
Project Goal:
To provide evidence for a cost-effective and sustainable program model to provide people with developmental disabilities with enabling and/or assistive technology that allows them to live more independently in non-certified housing.
Project Summary:
The Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD) is pilot testing a project that, though partnership with local Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) sites, assesses individual needs, identifies and supplies appropriate enabling and/or assistive technology (ET/AT), and continually evaluates and provides support for people with developmental disabilities (IDD) who are living in non-certified housing options.
People with developmental disabilities frequently desire to remain in their homes or live independently rather than move to certified housing options or nursing homes. However, regulatory, fiscal, or legal requirements often conspire to reduce housing options to costly and most restrictive options.
With funding from the Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD), the Westchester Institute for Human Development (WIHD), aims to initiate a three-year project that ensures the availability of enabling and/or assistive technology (ET/AT) for people with Developmental Disabilities.
WIHD will identify and enroll a minimum of three Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities (TRAID) sites across New York State to support and provide ET/AT equipment to people with developmental disabilities. Moreover, WIHD will develop an assessment tool to allow enrolled sites to identify client needs and create a customized plan for appropriate housing.
Key Activities:
- What are you developing?
- Assessment Toolkit
- Technology Consideration Checklist
- Professional Training (technology selection, acquisition and implementation)
- Online Resource Directory
- What are you implementing?
- Technology solutions in non-certified housing environments for individuals with IDD
- What are you sharing?
- Provider experiences and people's stories
Project Details:
Total Funding: $450,000
Project Length: 3 years
Contract Start: July 2021
Geographic Reach: Statewide
Current Status: Complete