Quick Guides: Tools for Independence

Quick Guides are now available by visiting the IDD Resource Center on the WRI website!


Grantee: WRI Solutions


Project Goal:

The goal of this project is to empower young adults with developmental disabilities to make decisions about the topics of housing, employment & volunteering, relationships, and the transition after high school. Information is presented in “Quick Guides,” which are short publications written in plain language.


Project Summary:

Through this project, WRI Solutions will develop a Quick Guide series and provide statewide trainings on independence and daily living for people with developmental disabilities. To meet the intent of this project WRI will:

  • Develop a Quick Guide series (hard copy and online)
  • Develop a Quick Guide-based training series
  • Train a minimum of 150 people
  • Develop a well-designed Quick Guide template that can be used by the CDD to develop additional Quick Guides in the future.
  • Reduce barriers to daily life that individuals with I/DD face by expanding life-skills and cultivating essential skills and abilities to participate independently in everyday life and in the community.
  • Empower self-advocates, families, and organizations/agencies, by increasing access to information and tools, to support individuals with I/DD to live independently in the community.

These guides will be written and designed to be accessible for people with developmental disabilities. Each guide features answers to common questions, checklists, information about New York State resources, and more. Skills-based training workshops will be held to provide a space for self-advocates to ask questions and learn from peers about each topic. 


Key Activities: 
  • Write and design 12 guides
  • Training phase with five workshops, including one in Spanish
  • Publication and distribution, Summer-Fall 2023


Project Details: 

Total Funding: $300,000

Project Length: 3 years

Contract Start: July  1, 2020

Geographic Reach:  Statewide

Project Status: Complete