Grant Opportunity Announcement:
Conference Access Funding

The application period for this opportunity has now closed.

Grant Release: TBA
Application Deadline: TBA
Award Announcement no later than: TBA
Award Amount: Maximum of $5,000, minimum $2,500
Questions Due: TBA
Answers Posted: TBA

The New York State Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) is seeking grant applications that support the participation of people with developmental disabilities, their family members and caregivers at conferences, workshops, events, and other activities related to the CDD approved State Plan.

The specific objective of the funding is solely to assist individuals with people with developmental disabilities, their families, and caregivers in attending conferences and events, thereby granting them greater access to information, training, and other activities which will increase their ability to affect public policy. This funding support is intended to strengthen the partnership between individuals with IDD and their families and the state and federal service delivery systems.


Alignment with CDD Mission & Values:

The conference, workshop, or event must align with the CDD's mission to promote people with developmental disabilities living independently and participating fully in the community. Any event that does not promote the CDD's mission or values will not be considered for funding.


Funds can support the following activities:

  • Scholarships or conference registration fees for people with developmental disabilities, their families, or caregivers to attend a conference or event.
  • Childcare, travel, hotel, or accommodations for people with developmental disabilities, their families to caregivers to support their attendance at a conference or event.
  • Language interpretation
  • ASL interpretation
  • Closed Captioning
  • Large print or plain language materials
  • Other supports that will make the event more accessible to people with developmental disabilities and their families.


Funds cannot support the following: speaker fees or venue costs.


Eligible organizations:

  • Nonprofit organizations (note: the lead applicant cannot be a for-profit organization; however, for-profit organizations may serve as subcontractors to the lead applicant) 
  • Public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, or hospitals 
  • Disability-service organizations 
  • Community-based organizations 
  • Tribal organizations 
  • Consortia, groups, or partnerships among organizations 

Please note: We do not accept applications directly from individuals, only nonprofit organizations can apply for this opportunity.

Eligibility requirements:
All applicants must be a registered Vendor in the NYS Statewide Financial System (SFS). Proposals received from eligible applicants who have not been registered will be disqualified from further consideration. 

Application submission:
All applications must be submitted by TBA through Survey Monkey Apply. Below is the link to apply:

Link will be updated when grant is released

Designated Agency Contact: If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact the CDD's Designated Agency Contact for this funding announcement. 

Jacqueline Hayes,
Diversity & Inclusion Program Specialist
Phone: 518-486-7505
Email: [email protected] 

For more information, please read Full Grant Description
(Pdf document is at the bottom of this posting)