Council Membership
The Governor appoints members of the Council to direct and oversee the activities of the Council staff and to facilitate the distribution of Federal funds available to New York State. By Federal law, at least 60% of the members of the Council must be people with developmental disabilities, or family members of people with developmental disabilities. Our diverse membership ensures input from people with many different skills and life experiences. The CDD membership composition is directed by the DD Act of 2000 which is the authorizing law which created Councils.
The remaining members are representatives from relevant State agencies and entities that administer funds provided under Federal laws related to people with Developmental Disabilities.
Members are unpaid volunteers appointed by the Governor.
Council Member Duties
Council members have many duties. They:
- serve on committees and subcommittees,
- attend full Council and committee meetings,
- take part in discussions, presentations, development of projects and initiatives,
- review and vote on funding motions, and
- review and approve State Plans.
Becoming a Council Member
Interested In Becoming a CDD Council Member?
If you are interested in being considered, fill out the form on this page to apply for membership.
List of Active Members

Council Chairperson
Dave Deuel
Council Vice Chairperson
Ketrina Hazell
Caucus Chairperson
Shameka Andrews
Caucus Members
Mariela Adams
Naome Adam
Shameka Andrews
Peter Cole
Daniel Cunningham
Dave Deuel
Katy Faivre
David Feickert, Jr.
Bin Feng
Stuart Flaum
Shawn Fultz
Valeriya Gregory
Amanda Haught
Adan Islam
Vincent McLaughlin
Deidra Moore
Xavier Skeeter
Debora Thivierge
Not For Profit Representative
Josh Phelps, Aim Services, Inc.
Non-Governmental Organization Representative
Joshua Christiana, The Arc NY
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and Protection & Advocacy
Susan Fox, PhD - President and CEO - Westchester Institute for Human Development
Joanne F. Siegel, LCSW - Co-Director - Rose F. Kennedy University Center for Excellence
Suzannah J. Iadarola, PhD - Director - Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities
Julie M. Keegan, Esq. - Director of the Protection and Advocacy Program for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PADD) - Disability Rights New York
State Agency Representatives
Honorable Willow Baer - Acting Commissioner - NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
Honorable Dr. Betty A. Rosa - Commissioner - NYS Education Department
Honorable Greg Olsen - Director - NYS Office for the Aging
Honorable James V. McDonald, M.D. - Commissioner - NYS Department of Health