Community of Practice on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Developmental Disabilities

Grantee: AHRC Nassau


Project Goal:

The Community of Practice (CoP) on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Developmental Disabilities aims to enhance the developmental disabilities (DD) systems’ ability to provide quality, culturally competent services and supports to people with developmental disabilities and their families.


Project Summary:

The CDD will fund AHRC Nassau to implement a statewide Community of Practice (CoP) on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Developmental Disabilities. The CoP will be comprised of an Advisory Group and a minimum of 5 Regional Teams who will meet regularly and receive training on DEI. The Regional Teams will be comprised primarily of self-advocates, family members, DD provider agencies and Care Coordination Organizations (CCOs) who deliver direct services to people with developmental disabilities.

AHRC Nassau will meet with the Advisory Group to get input on the project and convene the Regional Teams to provide ongoing training and technical assistance. The grantee will also offer larger DEI training opportunities, open to professionals, families, and self-advocates in the developmental disabilities field, beyond the Regional Teams. Additionally, the selected grantee will create and maintain a website for the project to house DEI resource materials and trainings developed by the grant project.

This initiative will expand upon the work of the NY Community of Practice in Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CoP) in Developmental Disabilities led by the National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) at Georgetown University. NCCC will continue to provide technical assistance to the NY CoP as part of the OPWDD-Georgetown University NCCC Partnership for Systems Change.


Key Activities:
  • Facilitate the CoP Advisory Group
  • Develop a Learning Model and Recruit Regional Teams
  • Deliver Trainings and Provide Technical Assistance to Regional Teams
  • Create and Maintain DEI Resources on a Dedicated Website


Project Details:

Total Funding: $740,005

Project Length: 5 years

Contract Start: January 1, 2024

Geographic Reach: Statewide

Current Status: Active