Apprenticeship Program

Grantee: Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities at the University of Rochester (SCDD)


Project Goal:

This project will improve access for people with developmental disabilities to employment opportunities in the manufacturing industry through pre-apprenticeship training and wrap around supports that leads to employment and registered apprenticeship with business partners


Project Summary:

CDD will fund the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities at the University of Rochester (SCDD) to administer an Apprenticeship program for people with IDD in New York State. SCDD will work in collaboration with the Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY) and select regional associations of the Manufacturers Alliance of New York State (MANYS). SCDD will support and provide needed connections to allow at least 10 people with IDD (per year for three years) who are between 18-25 years old to participate in the NYS Industrial Manufacturing Apprenticeship (IMT) Program.

SCDD will establish a Statewide Advisory Group comprised (but not limited to) self-advocates and representatives from the New York State Department of Labor, Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, ACCES-VR, the State Protection and Advocacy agency, representatives of companies that hire graduates of apprenticeship programs, the CDD and other organizations as agreed to by CDD and the grantee.

With input from the Statewide Advisory Group, SCDD will select three regions of the State represented by specific manufacturers associations (one region per year) and work within that region. The Advisory Group will establish and administer regional workgroups to identify the program participants and work within the region to support the individual as well as all other stakeholders.

SCDD will also be responsible for conducting a formal evaluation and report on the success of this initiative.


Key Activities: 
  • Do a community-based assessment to understand barriers and needs for individuals with developmental disabilities.
  • Create a pre-apprenticeship curriculum.
  • Pilot the curriculum.
  • Update an improve based on pilot experience.
  • Compile a final Sustainability Plan for the CDD, which includes identification of specific strategies to sustain the program beyond the life of the grant.


Project Details:

Total Funding: $450,000

Project Length: 3 years

Project Start: April 1, 2021

Geographic Reach: First Rochester area, then Statewide

Current Status: Active