Accessible Information and Plain Language Training


Grantee: Young Adult Institute (YAI)


Project Goal: 

This project will create a training that supports organizations to communicate important information to people with developmental disabilities and their families more accessibly. People sometimes miss critical information only because of the way it is presented. This project will help agencies bridge those communication gaps. It will empower people with disabilities and their families to better advocate for themselves and understand information and resources.


Project Summary: 

The Young Adult Institute (YAI) will develop “plain-language translations” of documents commonly used by people with developmental disabilities and their advocates. The documents and information “translated” should be selected with input from self-advocates and their families across New York State with purposeful input from un- and underserved populations.

These documents will serve as examples for a complementary curriculum. The curriculum will train agencies on plain language translation. In addition to a curriculum, the grantee should also develop a toolkit for service providers and other organizations looking to improve their communication.

Training priority will be given to state agencies more likely to interface with the public and specifically with people with developmental disabilities.

This project will reflect the needs of various communities throughout the state. It will discover how to best communicate different types of information, including techniques for multi-media methods of communication.


Key Activities: 
  • Gather input from people with developmental disabilities and their families
  • Develop a plain-language translation curriculum and associated toolkit and guide
  • Begin trainings at agencies and organizations across the state
  • Compile a final Sustainability Plan for the CDD, which includes identification of specific strategies to sustain the program beyond the life of the grant.

Total Funding: $300,000


Project Details

Project Length: 2 Years

Contract Start: July 1, 2023

Geographic Reach: Statewide

Current Status: Active 

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